YourJewish and J Street Minnesota are so grateful to host Rabbi Leah Shakdiel for a meaningful conversation about her leadership, her community, and her perspective on current events.
The conversation will take place in the Lyn-Lake neighborhood and the address will be shared after registration.
Rabbi Leah Shakdiel

Rabbi Leah Shakdiel is an Orthodox Israeli left-wing activist, feminist, and scholar. Born in Jerusalem, in 1978 she moved to Yerucham, an underdeveloped town in the Negev, with a group of religious Zionists intent on working and living in Israel proper rather than in the occupied territories. Leah married in Yerucham, raised a family there, and still lives there, having devoted much of her life to developing the town and increasing social and ethnic justice. A peace-builder and civil rights activist, Leah works with such Israeli human rights NGOs as Machsom Watch (which monitors checkpoints and other activity in the occupied West Bank), Mirkam Azori (which works with Bedouin citizens of Israel), Darom4Peace, and Rabbis for Human Rights. She fought all the way to Israel’s Supreme Court for the right of women to sit on local religious councils, a struggle she won in 1988. She served on the Yerucham religious council for five years and subsequently received her own rabbinic ordination. She will be speaking in NYC on March 30 at a gathering of Smol Emuni/The Faithful Left - a new Israeli organization of left-wing Orthodox Jews. Rabbi Shakdiel holds a BA from Bar Ilan University in English and French Literature.