
Brit and Baby Namings

Every time a baby is born, it is a time to celebrate the wonder and miracle of life! Our goal is to help you consider how you can add meaning to this significant moment in your lives as parents, whether you are interested in a b’rit and/or naming ceremony for your new, or soon to be child.

It is traditional, and still quite common for parents of Jewish baby boys to choose to have their son circumcised by a moyel (trained Jewish Physician) on the 8th day after the child’s birth as a part of the ritual associated with welcoming the child into the covenant. If this is something you are considering, but have questions or hesitations about, we’re here for you and would love to talk more!

Our approach is to help you consider how you can add meaning to this significant moment in your lives as parents, whether you are interested in a brit and/or naming ceremony for your new, or soon to be child.

Register for this program.